Two days of rain here in Maynard. It is what we needed, but it keeps the kids out of the yard. The other sunflower in the front yard bloomed in this rain. Maxim went to her friend Emmaline's house for an hour and came back talking of cinderella and dressed in a blue dress. Noah took all of the 2x4 blocks I made for him last Christmas and put them in a row in the living room. "Look Daddy, a train track." He drove his small plastic train up and down. This evening we played music, Maxim on the recorder, Noah on the drums, and me on the guitar. Then Maxim and Noah took a bath, which ended abruptly when Maxim decided to kick Noah hard enough to knock him into the wall, face first. Now they gulp down rice milk and finger their blankets. Bedtime awaits.

"Here you go, Daddy." Noah says handing me the empty cup. He bites his blanket and bounces on his knees as Marcela tries to comb his hair. Maxim sings "Puff the Magic Dragon" as if everyword began with "Bl." They race to the bathroom to brush their teeth, hair still wet from the bath. The rains squeezed us inside, Marcela refiled all our bills, and we made it through another day together at home.
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