This morning it rained and stopped and rained some more. We had an early start so that we could catch a train into Boston to visit a beautiful exhibit of handmade quilts at the Museum of Fine Arts. The kids were so excited; they love the train. Gwen joined us at the train station. At the museum, Marcela looked at the quilts and I showed the kids paintings of kings and princes and princesses. They sat on the funny chairs in the exhibit rooms and then we looked at images from the American West and instruments of every kind. When we rode the train home, Noah didn't feel well and slept. Maxim and Gwen played games with Gwen's small plastic horses. In the afternoon, Catherine came by and played with the kids, she is running across the yard in this photograph. Maxim was hanging upside down on the swingset at back. Marcela was lowering the swing for Maxim. The goldfinches are back, as are the mourning doves who like to eat the spilled seed from under the birdfeeder. We have lit the barbeque and will soon eat mushrooms that Gordon gathered today, Chicken of the Woods, they are called. Delicious. It was a humid day and the kids have been sluggish and grumpy. This afternoon, I borrowed a ladder from Dan Simone and looked at the gutter on the north side of the house. Just as I was about to hammer down a shingle, I looked underneath

and found a nest of wasps. Thank goodness for nervous instincts. We decided to paint our house this summer. We have finished the restoration of the downstairs windows. They have been scraped to the wood, filled, caulked and re-trimmed, sanded, and painted with a coat of primer. You can see that the upstairs windows have already had their plastic shutters removed and had their rotting trim removed, but they haven't been scraped. Nor has the door, which you cannot see. The siding will be a lightish green and the windows will be a pale beige, the basement will remain brick red. The kosmos growing under the window were started from seed given to us by our friend Anne. Marcela has started collecting this year's seeds for other friends. It will be a busy week ahead as we begin the the fall routine. We look forward to the coming season, though.
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