In the afternoon, when Marcela returned from work, the kids filled up the pool and played in the water for a little while. It was an extremely hot and humid day, which made everyone a little grumpy, but happy enough to wave hello when the camera came out. We still haven't mowed the lawn, but the lack of rain seems to be keeping it from growing too very much. I will mow it this afternoon. I was busy upstairs writing application letters for jobs I hope to get. I wanted to spend some time sitting in the beach chairs with Marcela, watching the kids play, but instead I removed the last of the plastic shutters and rotting trim from the upstairs windows. They are now ready to be scraped. We are painting our house this summer.

This morning, most things were still where they had been last night. The family moved inside, the pool got dumped, but those plants at the back, which are usually spread out around the front and back yard, still stand in a cluster. This way, our neighborhood helper, a lovely six year old named Catherine, can water them easily enough while we are away on vacation. We are going to Vermont this weekend and eastern Long Island early next week. August has been a busy visiting season. It is supposed to rain today or tonight, but they have been saying that for months now and we haven't had much more than a sprinkle and a short downpour one night. The grass stays green because of the swimming pool water poured on it several times a week, because of my children's play, because of our love for them.
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