Yesterday was another class of gymnastics for Maxim. Afterwards, Marcela took Noah and Maxim to a nearby playground where they ran around and kicked the ball and played. "I'm a big boy," Noah told another boy's mother as he stood at the top of the slide. Maxim likes to practice being a dancer. Last night she pulled the kitchen door open half way into the room and hid behind it, stage left. She came onto the "stage" in full pose and twinkling along on her toes. When they picked me up at the train, Maxim had still been in her nightgown from her nap and was still quite sleepy. By the time we got home, they wanted to play. Within minutes, Dawn and Catherine wandered by the open kitchen door. Maxim invited Catherine to stay and play and they built another backyard structure, you can see in the photograph. We were delighted to come home and NOT have to paint some huge chunk of the house.

We wandered around the backyard, looking at things again. We noticed that Maxim's gourd has produced another fruit. This one is yellow and green. Maxim's teachers have asked me to do a science presentation for the Teddy Bear room. I have been trying to think of ideas. Maxim, Noah and I have a story we tell on the way home from dropping Marcela at the train in the morning. Maxim complains that the sun is in her eyes and I ask her if she'd like me to call the people in charge and have it turned off. She says yes and I relay the message that they say they'll do it, but she's going to be hungry. Then we go through a long series of days that no one knows are days because the sun doesn't come up, and the plants start getting sad and weak, and the animals too, and finally there is no food to eat. "What should we do?" Turn the sun back on, they shout.

I may use that one, and a song called Hey Little Ant that gives an ant's perspective on being squished by a boy. Marcela went to work early and returned late today. We ate tofu in coconut sauce and kielbasi for dinner. The kids sat with us for the whole dinner and then played in the living room. They listened to several books and went to bed quietly. Abuela called before they went to bed and Noah spoke to her. Earlier he had said 'Te quiero' [I love you] to Marcela, but he wouldn't say it to Abuela. Having Noah get on the phone was love enough for her.
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