The kids do not seem to want to go to sleep this evening. It is a cool evening. We had a quiet afternoon. Catherine visited again. She had no school today. She came along with Maxim and I when we picked up Noah. She and Maxim drew pictures while Noah thought up ways to bother them. They napped well, but woke up fussy. Are they sleeping too much? Are they not eating enough lunch? Noah had two servings of eggs noodles with cheese and asked for a hot dog. They drank plenty of fluids. We talked about going to the supermarket when Marcela came home, but decided to stick with what we had on hand. A delicious vegetable stir fry with wild rice. Everyone ate dinner well. The back yard is just as we left it last night, except for the picnic tale, which I turned over this morning.

This morning after I dropped off Maxim, I picked up paint samples for the two colors we had narrowed it down to for the body of the house. Some people have suggested the blue (the left swatch) is a brighter choice, but we want green, so we're going with the right color, called "Halifax." They are mixing up a big batch of Halifax for us in the morning. We will paint all weekend and make the house even more ours.
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