The slightest hints of spring can be seen in the very slow change toward green in the back yard. It can also be seen in the very subtle lift in the kids, knowing they can play outside. For Maxim, knowing her birthday is upon her and the ice cream store will open. Yesterday Marcela bought the kids a play tent that they can use indoors and out. They are excited to put it in the yard later this morning. Maxim has been making wonderful drawings lately, colorful abstracts that are maps of the world in her telling. "This one is Maynard," she says pointing to a dot she has drawn along a swirling line. "This one is Florida and this one is Belize. And here's Argentina." She has me take another map she has drawn with our house and the hardware store on it with us when we go to the hardware store so that I can find my way. Noah has developed an extreme generosity. He turned three in Feburary and has the careful habit of sharing food. Everytime he has something besides a meal plate, he looks around at how many people are there and he breaks it into pieces handing them out. "This one's for you, Daddy," he says giving me a ripped piece of toast or part of a pretzel. "Here you go, Mommy." He gets upset if Maxim won't take her piece. I have to confess to believing there is something hard-wired about this behavior because it mimics exactly Marcela's father, who we only see once a year at most. Her father and grandfather started and ran a restaurant in Buenos Aires, Las Delicious, for almost 50 years. Paco was the always greeting people at the door and checking in himself on tables. Noah has a lot of Paco in him.

We have had five people look at our house in the past week. Another big weekend of open houses this weekend; the Globe runs a special spring houses for sale section today. We have a photo there. There is still a lot of uncertainty among real estate professionals about what the market is going to do this year. For now, we're not worried.
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