First of all, Whew! What a week. Everyone is back to work full time and the kids' schedules changed from a full and two half days to two full days and with all these new schedules something was bound to go wrong, but mostly everything didn't. We had a lovely lunch last weekend with old family friends, John and Carol Brewer, who drove all the way up from Hull. Noah and Maxim hid at first when they came, but were friendly before they left. Monday was Martin Luther King Day and everyone stayed home. I would like to recall some of the things that happened at home between Monday morning and today, but until last night at 7:00 when I got home from my Thursday classes, I was pretty much face-in-books trying to finalize lectures and syllabi. I know they were all around me all week, playing well, visiting friends.

Maxim's first crush (such as it is) a boy named Joey Luciano came to visit Monday afternoon. I caught Maxim trying to kiss him in her room, much to her embarassment. Later that day, Noah called the fridge the 'frigalator" and we all got a good laugh and made him say it several times. Try it. Say it out loud. It is funny. Wednesday he decided we should fight the cold (it wasn't really cold) by building more indoor tents, "We can make a tent and camp inside so the winter won't come in our head," he told me. I love the way he constructs compound sentences and finishes them, even when he doesn't have all the right words for the concepts. Then the snow returned, sort of.

It snowed at the same time the air was just above the freezing mark. It left another new layer on the ground, but not for long. The weather has been unusually warm, in the 40s and 50s, even coming close to the 60s the day before yesterday. It wasn't long before everything melted again. Tuesday, the snow was still on the ground when I went into the city. It was on the ground when I walked home from the train station (6 miles!) at 10:30. It was on the ground the next morning. And then, it was gone. "I think they must have heard me when I said I wished that it could be warmer," Maxim told me. "Could be," I said. Wednesday all day writing another lecture. Marcela home with the kids. We will get this rhythm, but it will take another week's practice at least.

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