And then it snowed. We thought it might, and so piled the toys
back in the sandbox before we headed out the door for the holiday. This morning we tried to take Maxim and Noah sledding at the golf course on the other side of town, but Noah would not put on his snow pants or even a winter jacket. He stood in the hallway and screamed. Marcela took Maxim herself, two novice sledders on a pretty steep hill. They said the sled went faster than they expected, but they really enjoyed it. While they were gone, Noah and I played with blocks and with his trains and watched his "Here Come the ABCs" DVD and then he complained some more for a while. He really wasn't feeling well.

When Marcela and Maxim got home, Catherine came over made books with Maxim and then snow forts. Marcela and Maxim made the first snowman of the season, this little fellow who survived the afternoon, but had lost his head by morning (Friday night in Maynard, you never know what's going to happen).

We saw the squirrel that lives in the big spruce tree in back carrying mouthfuls of dried leaves to insulate his home better. Winter has really set in. The snow melts at the edges and will go away in another day or two, but there is more to follow, I think. This year Maxim seems ready for snow play. Noah may need some more practice. He did willingly put on his winter jacket later when he realized he would otherwise miss a trip in the car. We'll see how he responds to a sled ride. Today Maxim went to her friend Gwen's house. Noah enjoyed some alone time with Mommy and Daddy. We make chili and desserts that have to be cooked in the oven. Warming the house with the production of tasty treats and delicious dinners. Maxim makes piles of snow in an attempt to recreate a snow fort we made last year in the corner of the yard. Maybe not today, but it should be possible before the year turns.
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