Our return to summer has been busy. We had quite a bit of yard work to do and then a pool to install. You can see the progress at my Flickr page. Watch a slideshow of Pool. The kids were great about it all. The process was a long one that began with the removal of sod from a fifteen foot diameter circle, was followed by the leveling of the underlying sand, and ended with the oh-so-gradual filling of the enormous pool with water. The kids have been happy to be home. Us, too. Although we are busier than we had been during the past month. But we are happy to be in our own space again. Things will be busy starting in just a few weeks, so we want to get ready for the chaos by laying a good foundation in our homecoming. Literally. We are planning to have a slab poured underneath the carport roof where, one day, a brick walled addition will extend. Both of the kids seem to have grown up in an accelerated way in Buenos Aires. They seem more settled somehow.